It is quite challenging to predict, but if you do, the reward will be hefty. While the regular wagers try to predict the total outcome of the roll, hop bets are made on the outcome of each dice. Basically, you just have to tell the dealer you want to make a hop bet and specify exactly what kind of wager it is. Do not worry, hop wagers are not cheating and they are totally legal – all you need to do is know how to use this secret sauce and how to benefit from using it.Ī hop bet is not market on the table, which is exactly why most casino players don’t even realize it exists. This is not something the game itself would tell you, but if you know how to do it, you can surely benefit from it. Sure, you can just make bets the way they are presented on the table, but what if I told you there’s a kind of a secret sauce that makes the game even more exciting? Well, there is such a thing and it’s called a hop bet. Craps is one of the most popular and iconic casino games, and it might look fairly simple to most players: just make a bet and throw the dice.